Cypheme has been noted by many renowned outfits as a stand-out entity with our state-of-the-art anti-counterfeit solution. We take pride in the fact that we are a leading active anti-counterfeit solutions provider to players in various industries, thus playing out in the proportional coverage we do get from time to time.
Forbes refers to us as “a company breaking new ground in the fight against counterfeit products.”
The Huffpost references us as one that “empowers the consumer to have certainty of his products, within seconds.” It continues by saying that “as counterfeiting grows, Cypheme offers a promising solution for consumers.”
The coverage earned over the years has been due to the artificial intelligence backed solution we provide brands and governments, and we keep improving upon it as we go.
Our flagship anti-counterfeit solution, the Noise Print AI Label, equips brands and manufacturers to know when their products are being counterfeited. They are also availed with information on the percentage of products out there which are counterfeits relative to the original goods, and they also get to know where the counterfeiting their products is happening.
Cypheme Noise Print AI Label
Noise Print is a patented proprietary technology which is makes use of an advanced set of algorithms and is powered by an artificial neural network which helps in verifying a product’s authenticity.

Despite the robustness of the technology backing Noise Print, it is simple to use. Anyone (i.e. manufacturers, distributors, retailers, consumers etc) is able to authenticate a product by just simply using the camera of their smartphone.
How Noise Print Works
Unique Signature – Each Noise Print label is infused with a special ink such that a ‘Unique Chemical Signature’ which can be related to a fingerprint is created. This property ensures that Noise Print labels do not get to be successfully copied or reproduced by counterfeiters. All unique signatures are then backed up in a secure cloud as an added layer of security.
Tag Addition – A sophisticated tag is added to the packaging of products that makes use of Cypheme’s Noise Print, serving as a visible guardian of authenticity.
Tag Size – Noise Print AI labels or tags are generally small (12mm), and this helps manufacturers to save cost even as they make use of a very secure solution to protect their product and brand – ensuring that overall production cost remains within target.
Colour Recognition – As added security, an orange coloured circle is placed around the sticker; It is one of the features that makes the Noise Print easily recognisable and therefore gives the consumer some amount of confidence in the goods they are purchasing, thereby increasing a product’s brand value.
Powered by Artificial Intelligence – Noise Print labels or tags are backed by Cypheme’s proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which equips smartphone cameras with the ability to recognise fake products from genuine ones. The AI helps to match pictures taken by the phone with the one in cloud to help ascertain authenticity.
In conclusion, it is obvious that Cypheme’s tiny 12mm Noise Print label is packed with robust security features based on modern and ever improving technology which makes it second to none in helping to secure products and brands against counterfeits whiles protecting consumers at the same time.

Counterfeiters are not sleeping; it is therefore in the interest of every manufacturer and brand owner that they actively engage and seek counter measures to ensure that their customers and brands are protected.
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