Due to high added value and growing global demand, counterfeiting is rampant in the pharmaceutical industry. Fraud is perpetrated in many forms, from the simple infringement of intellectual property, to the sale of generic products under a different names, to the reuse of packaging or the manufacturing of counterfeit packaging designed to sell faulty or totally different products from those indicated.
It is estimated that over 30% of medicines sold on the African continent are counterfeit. These malpractices not only represent a considerable loss of revenue for the industry, they also cause a loss of confidence in health care providers and systems, and this has dramatic consequences on public health. Counterfeit medicines kill about one million people each year; more than malaria that is.
A tag or label is affixed on the packaging, bottle or other container forms containing medicines; providing a unique and impossible to duplicate fingerprints for each product. A simple photo from the camera of your smartphone makes it possible to recognize this identifier with certainty and confidence within seconds.Authentication can be done via the brand’s or Cypheme’s WeChat and Facebook accounts.